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Debt collectors must follow specific rules set forth by the FDCPA when attempting to collect a debt. When these are violated, the FDCPA allows you to recover up to $1,000 in statutory damages. If a debt collector’s abusive behavior resulted in actual injuries, you may be entitled to recover substantially more. Consumer Law Partners, LLC makes sure you get the settlement you deserve.
There are several ways a debt collector may be violating your rights. The most common violations and abuses include:
Under the FDCPA, debt collectors are prohibited from making threats to consumers about actions they do not intend to take. This includes threatening litigation they do not intend to pursue, as well as threats of arrest, imprisonment, or property seizure.
Charging unfair late fees, interest, or convenience fees is against the law. When a debt collector tries to collect more than is owed, our team will hold them accountable.
The FDCPA regulates when and how debt collectors are allowed to contact you. When agencies call you before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m., contacts you at work if your employer prohibits it, contacts unauthorized third parties or contacts you after you’ve asked them in writing to stop, we can put an end to their unlawful tactics.
Collections companies must identify themselves when attempting to collect a debt. If debt collectors fail to identify themselves as bill collectors, pretend to be attorneys, police officers, investigators, or anyone other than who they are, it is a violation of the FDCPA and the collector can be sued.