Call 855-758-4994

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We Sue Debt Collectors...And Win

If you’re ready to take action against debt collectors and telemarketers
who violate your rights,

call Consumer Law Partners, LLC at 855-758-4994.

If you’re ready to take action against debt collectors and telemarketers who violate your rights in Illinois, Indiana, or California, contact Consumer Law Partners, LLC.


    "Consumer Law Partners helped me take the debt collectors off of my back. They not only helped remove it off my credit report but they also gave me 1,000 dollars."

    "CLP cleaned up my credit report and allowed me to finally be approved for a credit card."

    "I had an old repossession from many years ago. The debt collector was hounding me down, David Klain and his team helped get the calls stopped and at the end of the case I got a check."